• Lots of chapsticks are just a band-aid for dryness. With Sugar, your lips genuinely feel healthier long after application. Sam likes it in the Rose tint. REN Keep Young and Beautiful Anti-Ageing Eye Cream , $40 (.5 oz) Have you ever watched a Disney movie where the witch just wanted to be pretty forever and thought, yeah, Evil Queen, I totally feel you? If so, this is the eye cream for you. Just look at the name.
    For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.thegloss.com/2013/12/18/beauty/11-skincare-products-worth-splurge/

    Winter Skin Care Tips

    Whether it was brushing snow off our car or shoveling snow and although a warmup is on the way, we`re not out of the woods just when it comes to cold weather in the winter. And that`s why area dermatologists say this is the time, we should all be paying more attention to the largest organ of the body; our skin. From skiing on the slopes to shovelling snow, any outdoor activity this time of year can do a doozy on our skin. It gets really dry, itchy, flaky, says Tina Glynn of Scranton.
    For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://wnep.com/2013/12/18/winter-skin-care-tips-3/

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  • So, I was just curious regarding what you all use for skin care. I've tried lots of different things for my dry,sensitive skin. My face does not seem to be sensitive to any type of make-up, simply skincare. I have tried many different things- pro-active, acne free, clean & clear, solutions (from avon), and Mary Kay Timewise. The Mary Kay items is the sole thing that works for me, but it is expensive. I would use it on a regular basis, but I don't actually have $ 200 to spend on skin care.

    After all, I do, but if I could find a similar choice, that's cheap, that would be awesome. Sooo, does anybody have any suggestions?

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  • My dh came over tonight to generate my ds to gamestop for a new relase of Modern Warfare and I went as well as some of the puppies. well that didn't go well at all! One I was locked in his truck (did not know this until I tried to get out) as well as a car with about 4 peeps in it hit his car twice... well I attempted to say something, but with the dang chihuahua barking they did nothing but laugh at me... and I determined I can't get out. anyway so DS returns while dh is still inline for the game and I tell him and try taking photos of the car. I was advised not to do something because I was outnumbered. so I did nothing. Well dh learned and had a cow. telling me I should have gotten out as well as demanded there insurance and ask why they hit his vehicle and that was me placing it nicely, he was a complete dick about this. In any manner now that I think about it why should care what they are doing to his freakin car. he made it clear he sets the damn thing before me. so he's lucky I did not simply yell out the window to slash his freakin tires also. UGHH vent over. I'm starting to think there is something wrong with me today. First dd now dh. Can I get a rest please? Menopause be gone.

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  • Hi everybody,I will be a 39 year old mother of one daughter (aged 15). I work in the gaming industry in California and spend most of my time around teen boys. I'm divorced from my daughter's father and I really don't see her very often, since we decided it was better for her to continue going to her very good school in New York (7th grade in California did not go so well). We are still very close to each other, though and she is going to be joining me for Christmas. I'm going to get a feel for the group and certainly will post more once I've understood the dynamics!

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